Category: Dog Senses

5 Reasons To Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

Senior dogs are absolutely capable of learning new tricks. And here are 5 reasons why they should!

Puppy Blues: How to Make Puppyhood a Little Easier

Puppy blues are feelings of stress and frustration that many dog owners experience aftering bringing home a new pet. Here’s what you can do about it!

Are Essential Oils Safe for Pets?

Whether you use them for relaxation, pain relief, or as part of your all-natural cleaning solutions, you probably already know how versatile essential oils are. But—are these concentrated fragrances safe for use around dogs, cats and any other… Read More

Think Your Dog is Jealous? Here’s What You Can Do

Are dogs capable of complex emotions like jealousy? Find out in this science-packed article on doggy envy!

Does Your Dog Like Your Car Music?

Does your dog like your car music? Or are they secretly wishing that they could take on the role of doggie DJ in the car?

Dog Goggles: Does Your Dog Need Them?

You’ve seen dog goggles. But are these quirky canine spectacles really useful, or are they more of a fashion statement? Can they protect your pup from UV damage? Ward off flying debris? Fight seasonal allergies?

Why Do Dogs Stick Their Heads Out Car Windows?

What is so enticing about sticking their head out the window that makes this such a universal doggie trait?

Your Dog’s Secret to Knowing When You’ll Be Home

We all know that dogs have superpowers—super dog hearing, excellent sniffing ability, and of course, superior comforting skills when you’re feeling a little blue. But one of their best tricks? It has to be their knack for somehow… Read More