Category: Social Skills

Thanksgiving Do’s and Don’ts For Your Dog

Want to prepare your pup for an amazing Thanksgiving? Keep these do’s and don’ts in mind!

Should You Take Your Dog Trick-Or-Treating?

You’ve got the perfect Halloween costume for your dog! But does Fido really want to go trick-or-treating with you?

Does Dog Breed Predict Personality? Science Says Not Really!

Science is cracking the code of dog personality, one DNA test at a time. Learn what the research says about your unique pup.

How to Hike With Your Dog

Hiking with a dog can make the experience all that more enjoyable! But there are a few key ways to keep them safe on the trail.

5 Reasons To Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

Senior dogs are absolutely capable of learning new tricks. And here are 5 reasons why they should!

Puppy Blues: How to Make Puppyhood a Little Easier

Puppy blues are feelings of stress and frustration that many dog owners experience aftering bringing home a new pet. Here’s what you can do about it!

5 Training Lessons That Could Save Your Dog’s Life

Keep your dog safe with 5 simple cues that are essential in emergency situations!

4 Weird Things Your Dog Does, Explained

Ever wondered why your dog goes wild after a bath or seems to be obsessed with your socks? We’ve got the explanations behind some of your dog’s adorably head-scratching habits!

How to Keep Your Dog From Barking in the Drive-Through

Drive-throughs are supposed to make your life easier, but your barking dog didn’t get the memo! Learn why your dog responds negatively to the drive-through experience and what you can do about it.

Welcome Home Your New Dog with the Rescue Dog Rule of Threes!

Wondering what to expect when you bring home your new furry family member? The Rescue Dog Rule of Threes explains what your dog is feeling after three days, weeks, and months in their new home!