Blog Posts

Dog Goggles: Does Your Dog Need Them?

You’ve seen dog goggles. But are these quirky canine spectacles really useful, or are they more of a fashion statement? Can they protect your pup from UV damage? Ward off flying debris? Fight seasonal allergies?

Dog Owner? Here’s How to Keep Your Car Clean!

As a dog owner, we don’t have to tell you that life with a dog means one messy car! Here are our tips to keeping your dog-friendly car clean.

How to Prepare a Puppy to Ride in the Car

Wondering how to prepare your puppy for a safe driving experience? Take a look at our tips for stress-free driving with a puppy in tow.

Summer Heat Dangers for Your Dog

Every summer, dog owners grapple with some of these common summer heat misconceptions!

How to Ease Your Dog’s Spring and Summer Allergies

Tips and tricks for seasonal allergies so that your dog can fully enjoy the warmer months!

Why Do Dogs Stick Their Heads Out Car Windows?

What is so enticing about sticking their head out the window that makes this such a universal doggie trait?

Keep Your Dog’s Mind Sharp with Fun Dog Puzzles

Whether you have a rambunctious puppy or an older doggo with young pup energy, you might be wondering which dog puzzles can keep the boredom at bay. The good news is, now that the research shows how beneficial… Read More

Your Dog’s Secret to Knowing When You’ll Be Home

We all know that dogs have superpowers—super dog hearing, excellent sniffing ability, and of course, superior comforting skills when you’re feeling a little blue. But one of their best tricks? It has to be their knack for somehow… Read More

8 Ways to Recognize a Dog Owner by Their Car

Those of us in the dog owner community may not carry membership cards, but there are plenty of ways that you can identify us. Just take a look at our inevitably fur-covered clothing. Or, catch a glimpse at… Read More

Why BreezeGuards?

“Well, it started with a set for my truck, then a set for our Volvo, then one for my camper, our Tahoe, my Acadia, one for a friend and now a set for my daughter. So I guess I’m a repeat customer! ~Paul W.